Research and education summer school for undergraduate and graduate students

Electrotechnology in metallurgy


This course is for undergraduates and graduate students from leading European and Russian universities who want to learn about the development of electro-technological equipment of metallurgical purpose, mathematical and physical modeling, to share theoretical and experimental work, strengthen and establish new international relations between students, researchers and engineers, as well as to expand their knowledge in the field of ​​product lifecycle management "idea-research-design-creation-implementation" based on the experience of research and production center of magnetic hydrodynamics (Krasnoyarsk) and other companies. Also during the course, students will participate in the International Congress and Exhibition of Non-ferrous Metals and Minerals, which takes place in Krasnoyarsk September 2017.

Students will attend lectures, practical and laboratory classes, discuss topics of their scientific work and questions under the guidance of experienced mentors.

Six-day course program introduces to the students the general concepts about all stages of the lifecycle of electro-metallurgical equipment.

The course is based on work carried out in the framework of the international project "TEMPUS-Project P4ER" PhD Education in Energy Efficient Electrotechnologies at Russian Universities "511086-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPCR 10/2010 - 10/2013", gained experience of research, design and innovative activities of the chairs and companies.

Research work of the of Chair of Electrotechnology and Electrotechnics of the Polytechnic School of SibFU focuses on the development of electro-metallurgical equipment supplies, including smelting, preparation and processing of alloys, transportation and casting. The chair has the Research and Production Center of magnetic hydrodynamics, and currently about 2 million tons of aluminum and its alloys (about 5% of world production) is produced with the equipment developed and delivered by the "RPC Magnetic Hydrodynamics " Ltd. to the enterprises of Russia and other countries.

Participants of the school will learn about the features of specialists work from the Departments of Mathematical and Physical Modeling, Design Office, the Department of Control of Installation and Adjustment of Equipment, Industrial Development Production.

Support of event:

  • LLC "RPC Magnetohydrodynamics"
  • FSI “Russian Foundation for Basic Research”, Government of the Krasnoyarsk region and RSAI “Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund of Support for Scientific and Technical Activities” in the frame of project No. 16-48-242018 r ofi m “Mathematical Modelling of Physical Processes in MHD devices of Metallurgical Application” and project No. 16-43-242013 r ofi m “The Influence of the Induced Electric Field on Hydrogen Ions in the Melt of Aluminum Alloy”.