9th Siberian international conference

International Siberian Conference on Control and Communication (SIBCON 2011)

Paper submission

Paper Submission

Prospective authors are invited to submit papers of their original research contributions describing new results, original ideas, and applications on relevant topics. The abstracts should be sent in English, via webform http://conf.sfu-kras.ru/conf/sibcon/member_reg or by e-mail sibcon@sfu-kras.ru, in MS Word file, maximum length of four А4 (21х29.7 cm) pages (with margins at 2.5 cm, 10-point Times New Roman or similar fonts, and single spaced). The manuscripts should contain the following information: paper title, keywords, state-of-the-art in the field of interest, problem statement and objective, description of the contribution (novelty, research methodology), results achieved and their further development and applicability, references, author(s) data (name, title, affiliation, full mailing address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address), and corresponding author name.

Paper presentation

One author registration can cover up to two papers. One of the authors must give a presentation of the paper at the conference.


The International Program Committee will make the selection of papers. Papers will be reviewed for the technical merit and content. Only original, unpublished contributions will be considered.

The conference proceedings will be published in English, containing all conference manuscripts, and will be distributed among the conference participants, leading libraries, and international scientific centers. The Proceedings are indexed in IEEE Xplore.

Notifications of paper acceptance and the preliminary program will be sent to the first author in June 2011.

Deadline for paper submission is May 10, 2011

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